TOYOTA - Reset fuel light on a 3.0 D4D Hilux, Landcruiser + Change Filter.

To does doesn't know or new in Toyota and you change fuel filter for maintenance then when you return back all together the components then when you try to start it you see in dashboard the fuel warning light lit, and it doesn't goes off.

That the time you need to reset it, there's two ways of doing this.

Fist method.

 To reset the warning light on the cluster you need to do this:

1. With the ignition switch off, disconnect the fuel filter warning switch connector.

2. Turn the ignition switch from off to ON.

3. After more than 3 seconds but less than 60 seconds have elapsed, reconnect the connector.

4. After approximately 3 seconds have elapsed with the fuel filter warning switch closed, the

system confirms the deletion of the illumination information by turning off* the warning light.

2nd Method:

What you need to do is the following,

1. Replace the filter.

2. Keep the top sensor unplugged

3. Switch Ignition switch to "ON" position for 5 second then

4. Start the engine ( idle )

5. Re connect the top connector (quickly )

6. Switch off and start again ( problem solved ) ---no need to disconnect battery 

Tried this tip and I confirm that it does the Job - ""With ignition off, unplug the top plug from the fuel filter housing, Start the vehicle and quickly put the plug back in. Light will go off after 3 sec. Job done. 10 seconds."

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